0200 UTC January 9, 2022 to 0200 UTC January 10, 2022
(Saturday 2100 EST January 8, 2022 to Sunday 2100 EST January 9, 2022)
(Saturday 1800 PST January 8, 2022 to Sunday 2100 PST January 9, 2022)
Licensed amateurs who are members of the Adventist Amateur Radio Association International or who regularly participate in Adventist Amateur Radio Association International nets or Bible study groups or licensed amateur SDA’s who want to take part in QSO Party.
To QSO as many different members of the Adventist Amateur Radio Association International located in as many US states, Canadian provinces, and other DXCC entities as possible.
Operation is restricted to 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters. Suggested operating frequencies are on or within 5 kHz of 3.973, 7.265, 14.328, 21.405, and 28.320 MHz. Cross-band operation is not permitted.
Please see the attached documents for the full rules and log file.
The entire AARAI archives going back to around 1960 (AARA and AARAI newsletters, Review and Herald radio logs, Youth’s Instructor logs, and various amateur radio articles in denominational journals), are now available!
Order by sending a check for $10.00 to Jim Hoffer, KW8T, 232 Mercury Way, Berkeley Springs, WV 25411-7438.
All proceeds will go to the AARAI.
We have a beautiful AARAI promotional brochure, free for downloading.
Save it to your hard drive and print out as many as you wish. Print out on both sides of a sheet of paper, and fold in thirds, with the AARAI logo on the outside. It's a great promotional material to always display on your church's bulletin board.
We are now able to provide a beautiful AARAI name badge through TheSignman.com.
Wear it proudly at the Hamvention, hamfests, eyeballs, and other public events. Order now at thesignman.com/clubs/aarai.html.
We are now able to accept donations via PayPal! A simple click on the icon below is all it takes. Your contributions are very important to us, whether cash donations or equipment. Sometimes we are able to provide a radio to a needy missionary or another individual. In addition, we have expenses for our website, office supplies, and many other things.
Alternatively, checks made out to AARAI may be mailed to our treasurer as follows: Sharon Staddon, KL7ZD, PO Box 50820, Billings, MT 59105-0820
With the right funding, we could add ASI conferences and the like, but it all depends on the generosity of our members and friends. We have many other expenses for web hosting, office expenses, etc.