Constitution Adopted October 1981; Amended 1990, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2015, 2020
Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be the Adventist Amateur Radio Association International (AARAI), hereinafter referred to as the Association.
Article II - Purpose
Sec. 1: The purposes of the Association shall be:
Sec. 2: The Association is a supporting ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Article III - Membership
Sec. 1: Membership in the Association is open to all members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church community, including spouses, children, and friends:
Sec. 2: All eligible persons may join the Association by submitting their contact information, including name, call sign, e-mail, telephone number, and/or regular mail address to the Association’s secretary/treasurer. Members should always notify the Association of any changes in their contact information.
Sec. 3: There is no annual fee for regular membership, but members are encouraged to support the activities and special projects of the Association, which are listed on the website, by making voluntary donations of funds and/or equipment.
Sec. 4: All registered members may vote on Association activities, which are normally posted on the website, by sending their ballots via e-mail or regular mail to the secretary.
Sec. 5: The Association shall attempt to maintain a list of all known licensed amateur radio operators in the Seventh-day Adventist Church community.
Sec. 1: A general session shall be called every five years to elect new officers in conjunction with the General Conference quinquennial session. Other general sessions of the Association may be called at any time by the Executive Committee. A simple majority vote shall carry any action at the general session, except in the case of dissolution of the Association (see Article VIII). Due to the fact that members live on all world continents a notice shall be published on the Association’s website stating the date, time, amateur radio bands and frequencies on which the session will be conducted. Members who are prevented from participating in a general session by other means may vote by proxy or participate and vote via email, text message, or the Internet.
Sec. 2: The executive officers of the Association shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer. At the end of their term of office the executive officers will automatically become permanent ambassadors of the Association as an expression of appreciation for their service.
Sec. 3: Other officers to be elected could be vice presidents from some of the world divisions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church where there are significant numbers of Association members. A vice president of the Association could be the president of a local or regional Adventist amateur radio club or association, or some other member elected by the local or regional constituency
Sec. 4: A committee of three or more members shall be elected at each general session to review the Constitution and Bylaws, to consider suggested amendments, and to present its recommendations to the subsequent general session.
Sec. 5: The election of personnel will require a majority vote from the members who are present at the general session in person, or who communicate their votes by other means, including regular mail, e-mail, or other digital communication tool via the Internet, by radio, telephone, text message, etc. If a candidate fails to receive a majority of votes, a run-off election will be held between the top two candidates that received the most votes. A reasonable cut-off date for the voting will be established.
Sec. 6: All elected personnel shall serve a five-year term, in accordance with the format of the General Conference quinquennial sessions.
Sec. 7: Elected personnel may be replaced by the Executive Committee on an interim basis, because of death, incapacity, resignation, official censorship, or apparent lack of leadership interest. Personnel who are appointed on an interim basis will serve during the remaining time of the five-year term until the regular election at the following quinquennial session.
Article V - Executive committee, officers and their duties
Sec. 1: The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected executive officers of the Association. The Executive Committee shall appoint such individuals and subcommittees as are needed to carry out the goals of the Association, as provided for in the Association Bylaws, Article III. The Executive Committee shall act between sessions in the interest of the Association, and all their formal actions shall be considered standing.
Sec. 2: President:
Sec. 3: Vice president:
Sec. 4: Secretary:
Sec. 5: Treasurer:
Sec. 1: This Association is a Christian nonprofit organization with the purpose of community service and education according to the ideals of amateur radio.
Sec. 2: Funds received for mission-related and other projects, as well as general Association functions, are mainly derived from donations by members and others who are interested in supporting the work of the Association.
Sec. 3: All time spent in Association activities shall be recognized as freewill contributions by the person rendering the service. Volunteers shall not be paid for any time spent in service on behalf of the Association or for involvement in any of its activities, except for reimbursement of personal expenses incurred at the request of the Executive Committee.
The members in general session may enact, amend, or repeal Bylaws, and such Bylaws may embrace any provision that is in harmony with the Constitution. This Constitution or its Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of members present at a duly called general session, by regular mail, e-mail, or other digital communication tool via the Internet, by radio, telephone, SMS, etc.
Sec. 1: The Association may be dissolved only at a duly called general session by a two-thirds majority vote, to be conducted as provided for above.
Sec. 2: If the Association is dissolved all funds will be donated to Adventist World Radio.
Regional and local clubs of Association members shall be encouraged, and their organization assisted by the public relations director. Adventist Amateur Radio Association Europe (AARA Europe) is an example of a suitable regional name, which clearly identifies it as a part of AARA International.
The Executive Committee shall delegate certain of its responsibilities to special individuals and subcommittees which it shall appoint, including:
A committee of three will be selected and a notice published on the Association’s website requesting that those who would be willing to serve in one of the positions send their name to the committee with a biographical sketch. If a member would like to nominate another member for office, he/she must contact the nominee and get his/her permission to enter the name and also get a biographical sketch to send to the committee. The committee would then select names for a ballot to post on the website in preparation for a general session (see the Constitution, Article IV).
Sec. 1: The Association shall sponsor the organization and administration of the Adventist Amateur Radio Network, also referred to as the AARN.
Sec. 2: The purposes of the Network shall be:
Sec. 3: The Network Director shall organize the various network segments and shall supervise the network coordinators.
Sec. 4: Each network segment shall have a chief net control and two alternate net controls.
Sec. 5: Stations checking into a worldwide network segment shall be recognized by the net control station in the following order of priority:
Sec. 6: All nets are encouraged to use a standard Preamble to call up the net segment. That Preamble shall be one adopted by the Executive Committee.
Sec. 7: Bible study net segments shall have at least a chief net control and one alternate, and shall have a standard Preamble approved by the Executive Committee. Bible study nets shall be open for reasonable free discussion of spiritual themes with an air of receptivity to varied views without an atmosphere of debate. The net control shall maintain cohesion to a series of studies over a period of time to create interest in continued Bible study by the participants.
Sec. 8: Net controls shall be responsible for net discipline in conformity with good amateur radio practice for organized group activity.
Sec. 9: Recommended Preamble and Procedures:
Attention all stations on frequency. This is (first name, call sign) opening the Adventist Amateur Radio (Bible study net, 20-meter net, 15-meter net, etc.). This is a directed net and anyone not participating in the net is asked to please stand by until the net has been closed. *Initial check-ins will be taken by broad regions, and we request that you stand by until your area is called. First, are there any stations with welfare traffic, mobiles, or QRP check-ins? Your call letters only, please.
*For a Bible study net, this part may be replaced by a general invitation and call for check-ins as well as a general description of the purpose, time, format, and daily character of the fellowship and study.
Sec. 10: Recommended Closing:
Our next scheduled net is (day, date, time, frequency). I would like to thank all those who checked in and all those who stood by making this net possible. This is (name, call sign) returning the frequency to normal amateur use. Thank you.